Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machines



Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machines

Has anyone else noticed this ?

I believe that they are between 4 and 5 minutes ahead of actual time

Why would that be ?
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

'cos the fella who set them had a gammy watch. What does it matter? Actually, it's a conspiracy - it's all part of Rip Off Ireland. It's a scheme to get more money out of the poor workin' man.
clocks set fast and causing me heart attacks!

cos the fella who set them had a gammy watch. What does it matter?

Of course it matters. I pass one of these each day on my way to work and it used to be accurate once upon a time, but I have noticed that it, too, is not at GMT.

I can't rely on it - I need it to be minute accurate for my job.

What difference does it make to those just parking cars? I have no idea!

Marion :hat
Re: clocks set fast and causing me heart attacks!

I believe that they are between 4 and 5 minutes ahead of actual time

Why would that be ?

I have an explanation that involves moving planes of reference and Einstein's Theory of Relativity that might explain the lack of absolute time if that's any use?
Re: clocks set fast and causing me heart attacks!

Perhaps the machines are given to moving very rapidly during the night to test out Herr Einstein new idea

Or might it be so that anyone paying for parking never gets credit for the first five minutes of time for which he has paid ?
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

But surely you would get an extra 5 minutes at the end, which is better, if they were 5 minues slow your theory might work.
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

if they are 5 mins fast, it means that your ticket expires 5 minutes after you think it is due to expire and there is less chance of getting done. it would be a lot worse if they were 5 mins slow.
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

No, if they are fast your ticket expires before you expect it to


Time on meter 10.20
Time on my watch 10.15

So at 10.15 I pay for 30 minutes parking. Ticket tells me I need to be back at 10.40.

If I go back at 10.40 according to my watch it's already 10.45 on the meter and I've been clamped (assuming that I've parked near Fitzwilliam Square where the clampers seem to live!)
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

I guess one of the questions that this brings up is what time do clampers go by.

Is it

A. Actual time


B. Time as displayed on the P&D machine
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

I honestly doubt very much that you would be clamped or even fined for being 5 minutes or less over the time specified on your ticket. Or am I naive?
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

Janet: If the meter say 10.20 and you pay for 30 mins that takes you to 10.50 (in real time). If you watch was right at 10.15 you can come back 35 mins later and your ticket will only just be timing out. Ease off the magic mushrooms.
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

No mushrooms, just can't add. Ooops!

So, time on meter is 10.20
Time on watch is 10.15

Thirty minutes later time on meter is 10.50 (time up)
Thirty minutes later time on watch is 10.45

If I don't come back for 35 minutes then time on meter is 10.55 isn't it? I don't understand where you are getting an extra 5 minutes from.

I don't know if the clampers go by the time on the meter or some other clock (by the way, not all meters are the same either which makes it all even more confusing) but I'm not going to risk a €70 fee (think that's how much it is) to find out. Just as I'm not willing to chance finding out if they'll give me five minutes over my time to get back to the car. I used to work around the Baggot Street area and the clampers are very active there and never gave the impression they would hang around for five minutes to see if someone turned up.
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

Once you have your ticket the time on the meter doesn't matter any more, if the ticket in the car window says 10.50 then that the time (GMT) it expires.
Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine

I had multiple calls around town today.

All the P&D machines that I used seem to now have the correct time.

Also noticed that the new clamper co now have lots of lads on scooters to go spotting for trade.