Re: Clocks set fast on Dublin City pay & display machine
No mushrooms, just can't add. Ooops!
So, time on meter is 10.20
Time on watch is 10.15
Thirty minutes later time on meter is 10.50 (time up)
Thirty minutes later time on watch is 10.45
If I don't come back for 35 minutes then time on meter is 10.55 isn't it? I don't understand where you are getting an extra 5 minutes from.
I don't know if the clampers go by the time on the meter or some other clock (by the way, not all meters are the same either which makes it all even more confusing) but I'm not going to risk a €70 fee (think that's how much it is) to find out. Just as I'm not willing to chance finding out if they'll give me five minutes over my time to get back to the car. I used to work around the Baggot Street area and the clampers are very active there and never gave the impression they would hang around for five minutes to see if someone turned up.