clifford t reid

  • Thread starter icantbelieveitstaken
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serious question despite the candidate's name and poster picture.
when driving down south on the weekend I saw posters advocating the election of clifford t reid, who "will stop the paedophiles". Now leaving aside the fact that I love his name, the slogan would imply that there's such a problem with paedophiles in this area that its become a local election issue in the same way as you'll get a "save our local hospital" candidate. Is this the case, are paedophiles that big a problem in south leinster.
At a guess I'd say it's more of a pathetic ploy to get elected.
> serious question despite the candidate's name

What's so odd/funny about his name?
Cliffor T. Reid

Actually, he is a candidate for Europe!

I initially saw these posters around one village only and had assumed that they were a protest against a paedophile living there, and I sounded out the words "Clifford T. Reid" and thought, hmm, yes, sounds English. Very prejudiced I know but..

Anyhow, he is an independent candidate for Europe on a single issue ticket. Left his job in the prison service to run this campaign out of concern for this issue, having had first hand experience of the rehabilitation or lack of it of convicted paedophiles. (I read the blurb that came in the post).
Clifford T. Reid.

Oh aye, he wants paedophiles electronically tagged and monitored should they have the privilege of freedom of movement.

he was on george hook a couple of weeks ago who asked him the same question. He admitted the pedo line is just a ticket to get elected on in the same way as "save our local hospital is".

There was a brief discussion about the treatment of them in prisons, not getting rehabilitated blah,blah which he does know a lot about..

Thought he came across ok, as in he didnt sound like he was fanatical about doing anything else except stopping paedos. Cant see him getting in, but his slogan is sure getting people talking about him.

A couple of people rang the show to say that his posters(which I havent seen) looked like that he himself was the paedo that you should be stopping.
Re: cliff

I've just read that Mr Clifford T Reid has suggested that people who turn up to vote should be given a free lotto ticket and that this might help increase voter turnout.
I still have to decide whether I reckon this is a good or bad thing because I really would love to know what the outcome of an election where there was around 80% voter turn out would be. If there was some ploy like this that would actually get a turnout of 80-90% I reckon it'd be worth a try so that we'd finally know who the disenfranchised would vote for. There could be some interesting results.
Saw those posters driving through edgeworthstown and Longford.

At first I didn't realise that they were election posters, thought the bloke on the poster was the paedophile they were trying to run from the town!

:D exactly where I saw them. It was the only place carrying posters on the N4. I think it is the assumption most people would make!

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Reid's policy basically amounts to electronically tagging paedophiles and letting local people know that one is living in the area.

Well OK. I can see why some people might find that an attractive prospect. But why stop at paedophiles.

I'd like to know if a Murderer, was living next door. I'd keep a closer eye on my car if I knew a former car thief was living down the street.

How about movie stars? I'd love to know if Cameron Diaz bought number 26 and was staying there on weekends.

Has anyone asked Mr Reid how he'd tackle the vigilante problem that would inevitably follow. Or what punishment he'd like to see for vigilantes. Would they be tagged for example. If they moved to a new area would the neighbours be informed that the vigilante had attacked a previous neighbour.

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Gwent Police are putting the attack down to the "extraordinary ignorance" of the people who did it.

Yes. That case has been mentioned a few times whenever Mr Reid's notions are brought up.

If his plan ever get's the go ahead, we should also have a register of extraordinarily ignorant people. We should all be in a position to protect ourselves if this kind of stupidity lurks in our community.

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Aye, Daltonr

And if you are like me you would like to know if a politician was living nearby :D
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And if you are like me you would like to know if a politician was living nearby


They only visit the house every 4 years or so. As neighbours go they're not the worst to have. Also, they'd be less likely to litter the area with posters the way they do in other peoples areas. They don't like to piss in their own backyard.

What is so wrong with the concept of electronically tagging convicted paedophiles ?

The current alternative allows them to succesfully reintegrate themselves into our accepting society, to carry on where they left off before. Unlike the UK, you can't even police check somebody applying for a job in this country, let alone find out if they are a kiddie fiddler. The judiciary in this country seem to find it acceptable to hand out fines and slaps on the wrist to people who use the internet to get their child porn fix, despite the fact that many of these perverts are only one step away from doing it to your son or daughter. The kids they are looking at on the web are somebody's children, and will no doubt carry the cars of these experiences for life.

As for rehabilitation, locking them all up together to exchange sordid fantasies, well that really helps. Electronic tagging is too good for these sick f..ks.

So if Clifford is a single issue candidate, I don't care.

Concerned parent.
My question was why stop there? Why single out this crime?
Why tag Paedophiles and not for example murderers?

If you go down the road of publicising peoples past then why do it for one crime and not for others? Murder, particularly child murder would have to rank up there with any crime in terms of seriousness, but I don't see Clifford T Reid with any posters saying "Stop the Killers".

Isn't it a fact that the his campaign is a cynical attempt to capitalise on what is currently a hot buzzword. It doesn't represent a well thought out policy. He doesn't seem to care about the inevitable vigilante activity that would follow, including the targeting of innocent people.

If we are going to overturn the concept that a person who has served their time for a crime is entitled to be accepted back into society, then ok, but let's give it a bit of consideration and debate rather than knee jerking into it.

He's a chancer who has seen his chance for a few easy votes by using a stupidly simplistic slogan. I suspect he'll poll better than most of the Independants, but I hope the People in East constituency have the sence to eliminate him early in the counting.

His posters might be black and white, but the world isn't it.

His posters might be black and white, but the world isn't it

but your views are