Cleaning windows prior to move in


Registered User
Hi All

Some of the windows & glass doors in the house are covered with sticky adhesive from the original packaging. Can anyone recommend a good cleaning agent?
My shower tray had the sticky backing from a sticker on it. I tried loads of products on it with no luck. Did a search on the web and found WD40 recommended. Tried this and the sticker came away very cleanly.
Warm soapy water is your only man, and a lot of elbow grease, this also removed plaster from the window.
Just use a stanley knife to cut the tape alonge the plaster line. Use a window scraper to life it at the corner if you cannot get it with your nails but once you start it should all come off in one go.

Do it now - I found with the south facing windows that if it was left too long (months) that it seems to break down in the sun and only came away in small bits - really slow work !

Buy white Spirits that you would use for cleaning your paint brushes and apply it to a cloth and rub onto sticky sections of windows....
This cleans all nasty sticky stuff off straight away...

Our Patio windo was destroyed fromt he sticky plastic and the white spirits worked a treat
There is a spray called "label remover", available in woodies and most other hardwares. spray it on, leave for a few mins, sticky stuff just wipes off. Safe to use on glass, and just use normal window cleaner to remove any residue.