Clareman awarded OBE

who are you referring to almo ? I thought the "Housewives favourite" was Gay Byrne's moniker ? :confused:
Hes referring to Des Lynam

Also honoured from the world of sport is Des Lynam, the veteran sports broadcaster, who has been awarded an OBE. "This has been a splendid surprise," said Lynam, "and I feel truly privileged."

I suggest hes as Irish as Tony O'Reilly.
I was surprised recently to read in the newspaper, well, if the Herald can be called such, that a certain economist/commentator is the "Irish thinking woman's bit of crumpet", when I read it I laughed, but not in a bad way, but just that such passes for "serious" journalism these days in Ireland - the comparison of 2 Irish economic commentators that is.
IMO If we're benchmarking Irishness on actual association with the country Tony O'Reilly is a lot more Irish.
Just to clarify - I wasn't. I was just pointing out some facts about Lynam's provenance.
C'mon the Banner, riiiiise it.:D

Dishy Des' Ennis roots are well known. Irish link is a bit of a historical footnote to be fair!

As regards accepting the honour I gather the o.p. was in jest but my tuppence worth is that, no more than Terry Wogan, there would be no point in refusing a UK honour when you've made your livelihood there.

I mean guv it dont mean you gotta worship the queen or nuffink, its for services to people of that other isle, not for supporting the monarchy as such.