Claiming off personal accident insurance for a child's broken arm


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My son sustained a broken arm during the summer for which we incurred a couple of hundred euros in medical expenses. His primary school insurance policy offers year round cover for accidents etc. We are considering making a claim against this policy but I am wondering if it would effect our no claims bonus on our own house and motor policies. Also is it something we are obliged to disclose when seeking future cover.

Moderator's note: This is not a school insurance policy. It is a personal policy arranged via a broker introduced by the school.
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If an insurance company asks if you have any previous claims or considers that a relevant material fact then you will have to divulge it.
THe OP is likely talking about a accident insurance policy which they have bought and paid for. Schools organise these polcies with a broker and parents are encouraged to take out.
These policies often have an option to may an extra premium for 24/7 cover.
Yes, its very standard for a school to arrange with a broker to offer a policy to families.
It covers accidents which wont be covered by the school policy.
We have a similar policy with Marsh insurance organized through the school €9 a year offers 365 days cover. We claimed for daughters broken arm that required a&e visit plus surgery. Total cost less than €300.

Medical insurance claim would not affect motor or house insurance premiums, they are completely separate.
We have a similar policy with Marsh insurance organized through the school €9 a year offers 365 days cover. We claimed for daughters broken arm that required a&e visit plus surgery. Total cost less than €300.

Medical insurance claim would not affect motor or house insurance premiums, they are completely separate.
Yes this is the type of policy I am talking about. Thanks for confirming
These insurance policies are arranged through the school but are a personal policy paid by the policty holder which cover accidents 365 days of the year.
The school does not have to be liable.
I claimed off one of those years ago, if you take out the 365 days cover then it doesn't have to have happened on school grounds or during school hours or be anything to do with school, that's what you pay for if you go for that option. My child had an accident getting off a bus, nothing to do with school but necessitated physio. It's not coming out of the school's pocket, it's a separate insurance and if they premium goes up it will be parents who pay anyway and not the school. It's a very handy insurance to have for a low cost. Couldn't have an effect on car or house, whether or not there is a question re claims under any sort of insurance when renewing either would depend on the particular policy.
These policies are PERAONAL ACCIDENT policies. They are no fault in that if you have an accident, they pay out certain sums. They are of benefit to parents in that medical costs, physio, hospital, etc are covered and they help the school in that they do not have to defend all claims.
Might be worth reporting the matter to the insurers / brokers now.
Some insurance contracts contain conditions about the notification period for matters likely to give rise to a claim.

Post claim, if there is any shortfall due to an excess or the like that unreimbursed portion can be claimed by way of unrecovered medical expenses on tax for 2022. 20% rate?