Claiming Back Tax


Registered User
Does anyone know of a website or book that has a complete list of things that you can claim tax back for as a single/married person. Only recently found out about claiming for medical expenses. Looked at the irish revenue site but its so hard to find just a simple check list of all the possible things that you can claim back for.

Will probably be as close as you'll get to a simple(simplified) list.

I would suggest trying the revenue site again... flick through the entire list and check each title. If its of no relevance to you move onto the next heading, if your not too sure then check out the full details. Most people are only due a handfull of the possible credits.... but if you are due one make sure you claim it!
A good luck around AAM isn't a bad idea either. Issues such as the Flat Rate Relief are confusing at the best of times, so having some help getting an understanding for them can't hurt.

this may seem like an absolute job and a half, but you could download the form 11 tax return for 2005 this will contain all relevant reliefs etc... that you can this is the return you will be submitting
if you have any question in respect of the boxes on the return you can post them up on the website and we can try and answer them for you
Form 11 is on the revenue website under the forms section for individuals a form 12 may be correct if you a paye worker otherwise a form 11 is required