Home Claim - Future insurance


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I would appreciate some advice on our current situation.
We have settled a flood claim with our Insurance company from November last year. We were living in an old cottage and due to dry rot issues that were uncovered after the flooding, we have submitted planning to demolish and rebuild on the same site.
Our current home insurance policy is up for renewal and we are wondering if we have to renew this policy. Obviously the premium is extremely high after our claim. We are currently living in a rental property. There is no rebuild value on the house as we are planning on demolishing it. There are no contents there at the moment. We do however have a large mortgage on the property.
We are worried that we would not get home insurance on our new house if we let this lapse as we have had a claim and as far as I am aware only your current insurer has to cover you. We are currently looking into build insurance to take out during the build. We are also worried about insuring something that will not be there hopefully soon.
Any advice as always appreciated
you can't insure the house if unoccupied without telling the insurer. Your best bet is to talk to insurer/broker, explain what you are intending to do and take our Public Liability only on the house as it is and once knocked, take out a new policy covering the new house in the course of construction.
In addition to what Ravima has suggested, also advise your mortgage provider of the position.