Civil Service jobs ?


Job Hunter

Does anyone know how I would find a job in the Civil Service ?

What are the salaries like ?

Do I have to go down the bog somewhere, or can I stay in Dublin ?
This site advertises all (?) public and civil service jobs:
May be a problem with that link so here goes again...
Down the bog

Assuming the plan for decentralisation goes ahead, you'd get in quicker (and probably get promoted quicker) if you were willing to move (and commit) to one of the country locations.

However, once you're placed anywhere (including Dublin), you can't be forced to move (unless you have agreed in advance to do so).
Down the bog

Good point - this site might be of interest so although I'm not sure if it's aimed at current civil/public servants, prospective applicants or both:
If you really want a job in the bog?

If you really want a job in the bog?

Try here: [broken link removed]

it really depends on the job and department, as far as I know, some departments can "officially" move you to wherever they need to in the first two years of employment, but again, each job is different. As for pay, it depends on the grade/position. The most important thing though, is how much job security is worth...
Yes it depends on the grades. You can see the salary scales in the IMPACT trade union website. If you can get a job that entails regular expenses (which are tax free) you're on a winner, otherwise you have job security, great working hours but don't expect big annual salary increases, its slow and steady as you go...