Chimney sweep - wet soots

dublin buyer

Registered User

I got someone out at the house last weekend to sweep the chimney and after a while he was there cleaning it, he told me that because the soots were wet and the chimney was damp, he needs to use a special tool to clean it from the top and dry it out, and it is going to cost me 250 euro.

This is the first time I have a fireplace, so I dont know much about it. What do people think about this?

Thanks in advance.
Ask him for details of the tool and the process that he needs to carry out.

It is possible that your chimney flues are not sealed properly and are letting some moisture through which is causing the soot and chimney to be damp. You will also get wet soot from the rain.

Is your sweep a member of a professional body that you can double check this recommendation?

It seems expensive as I have had a number of chimneys swept and video surveyed for clients and that normally would cost €250-300 per flue. I always choose a member of the Chimney Sweeps Association
Thank you very much for your quick reply,

He is not a member of the Chimney Sweep Association (I didn't know such a thing existed). I'll go for one of them.

(I didn't know such a thing existed)

I didn't either until I went looking for a sweep for a flue survey.

Here is the link to the home page. It is interesting to see that sweeps still provide a wedding service ! The old tradition of a lucky sweep.

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