Childminding in rented house



Renting a council si cottage with the hope tof buying it this yr.. I am currently employed however my hours have been cut to 20 hours pper week..

I have been thinking about starting a childminding business from my 'home'. as a childminder the regulations state that you can only mind 3 - 5 children..

I rang the local authority earlier for advice and she told me NO!!!
I can 'casually mind 1 - 2 children', they would not object to that but they would not allow for me to run a 'childminding business' from the house....

is this normal practise....
:'( must get my thinking cap on again then....

tell me this... if i rented a small 1/2 bedroom house for childminding does the same apply???
There's a bunch of threads on AAM about running commercial activities in rented residential properties, do a search.

The main issues are, insurance, rates, planning permission, change of use, landlord's permission etc.
The main issues are, insurance, rates, planning permission, change of use, landlord's permission etc.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Plus parking, residents associations, health & safety, taxation, registration, facilities etc

...but I think insurance is the big one.
I have to interject here;

There is a very valid reason for only minding one or two kids as opposed to 5-6, namely the tax-relief offered ofr childminding in a person's home. Okay there are some hurdles to jump but certainly I think its worth investigating.

(Unfortunately its rather late tonight for me to research the appropriate sections but one or two kids can be minded tax-free up to (I think) e10,000 a year tax-free!)(Which can be very rewarding for a stay-at-home-mum!)