child custody stopped



A relative of mine is a seperated dad. Seperated two years, He and his ex were never married. About two months ago she effectively stopped independent access. She has given no reason but some emergency comes up any time he is to take their daughter which prevents this from happening. They up to now have never gone the legal route. They agreed maintenance etc on their own. He is told the only way to resolve this is to apply to the courts for custody. She obviously knows this and that formal custody would be granted. Is he walking in to something here? Are their any negatives for him in going the legal route they have avoided for all this time?
The negative would be the expence involved.
He should apply for joint guardianship and or joint custody.
It's very unlikely he will be granted full sole custody unless the child is in danger from his/her mother.
Being granted joint custody/guardianship doesn't mean that there won't be any further emergancies which would prevent her from keeping the fathers access dates.
Is he going to go to court every time an access date is missed?
It would be better all round if they could at all sit down and sort it out amicably.