Cheapest Place to buy an ipod.



I see you can get an ipod in o2 stores for 300 euro.

Is buying on the net cheaper? If so where abouts on the net? Ebay?

Also if I buy from America, is there any compatability issues here, with charging etc...
cheapest place to buy an ipod

Check what generation ipod is offered and the gbyte - the new fourth generation (4g) is the latest model and offers longer battery life so make sure you are doing exact comparisons. Suggest you try and look for the Irish store to check prices too and also I have one and adore it so good luck. Also believe no compatibility issues if one is bought elsewhere in the world.

I don't know why people would buy and ipod when with an iriver you get
- twice the battery power
- inbuilt radio
- dictaphone
- picture viewer.
The ipod is just all hype.
There are quite a few far superior products of the same type out there for much cheaper which don't get 1/100th the publicity.