Charity 252



Sad, I know, but I'm glued to this awful programme.
My money's on Amanda to win.
Any thoughts?
I honestly thought that a pirate station had hijacked the national broadcaster. It is drivel, utter utter cringe inducing garbage.
Haven't heard any of them on the radio but caught some of it on RTE 2. Truely awful stuff but a bit like a car just keep looking!
That Amanda one has some front...
252 So Bad its....Still Bad

When will this godawful thing end? It is really poor with no redeeming features whatsoever.
Re: 252 So Bad its....Still Bad

Ah yes, but it's for charity, so that excuses it.

Doesn't it?

I'm now heading into my bunker. Will somebody please knock heavily on the door when "People in Need" is safely over?