Changing jobs and Mortgage Application


Registered User
Hi There,

I changed jobs in January. There was a 4 week period when I wasn't working but other than that I have been working full time in a permanent position for the past 10 years. The current position is also permanent.

I have the deposit for a house sitting in my bank account and want to apply for a mortgage of around 180K.

My question is whether or not the 6mth rule of being in a full time job still applies to me?

I have spotted a house that has just been dramatically reduced in the area I want and would love to buy it.

Thanks for yout help.
Hi there,

If would really depend on whether you are working in the same line of work as previously and whether you are subject to a probation period in your new job?
Thanks for your reply.
I am in the same line of work but I do have to pass a 6 month probationary period.
You will need to be off probation before you will be allowed to draw down the mortgage. It looks like you will have to wiat 6 months before you can close out the deal.