Changing CC and Gov Levy


Registered User
ok changing my cc and now want to close my account with Ulster Bank
Rang them to see what do I need to close the account
They said that I can do it over the phone but on closure I would be charged the €40 Gov charge
I said I paid this already in April and they said no that was for last year?

2 Questions

Should I be paying it again when I go to close the account ?

When I open my new account with another cc company will I have to pay again ?
You do have to pay it now when you close. Basically this is because you could close your cc account & not open another one & they wouldn't be able to get the 40 euro from you.

When you close your cc account, you will get a letter of closure stating that you paid the 40 euro for tax year 2005-2006 (it runs April to April) so you won't have to pay it again in April 2006, when it would normally be collected for the previous 12 month period.

Have to pay the €40 Euro on closure

However applied for a new cc and asked them about this and they said that I will have to pay the €40 again in April 06 This is because the €40 I paid in April 05 was for the previous year???

Where can I get clarification on this as dont want them ripping me off

trf cc and the new cc company want to see a statement from my old cc company as I am trf a balance over

What if I clear it will should they still require this as I wont be trf over a balance?

Are the banks not all interlinked and can they not check this out even with the ICB ?

Between cancelling my old cc and getting a new one there could be a wait of
2 weeks, not panicking just annoyed at the time it takes

The new cc company I bank with and had a cc with them before ?

Is this normal ? If not where can I get clarification