CGT: Offset crypto loss against property gain


Registered User

If i make a gain on disposal of property at end of 2020 and a loss on disposal of crypto assets in 2021 - can I offset the loss against the gain?

I have not yet done my retur for 2020 gain as its due in Oct and I have not yet paid the amount owed.

As they are in different years does this mean I cannot use the loss against the gain?

Thank you.
No, you can't set a capital loss backwards.

You can set the crypto loss against other gains this year or carry it forward to future years.


When to pay your CGT​

For disposals made between:

  • 1 January and 30 November (the initial period), you must pay CGT by 15 December of the same year.
  • 1 December and 31 December (the later period), you must pay CGT by 31 January of the next year.