Central Statistics Office Survey Interviewer (Placed on a panel)


New Member
For someone who has been successful in a CSO interview for a survey interviewer role and been placed on a panel, does anyone know what this means in practice?

Is it likely/unlikely to be recruited from the panel and would some interviewees have been recruited immediately and others placed on the panel?

Any insight would be appreciated.
All public service panels generally operate the same way. Some may operate for a limited period while others may be indefinite.

All successful candidates are placed on the panel, ranked in order of merit. Those at the top of the panel may be offered jobs immediately if vacancies already exist. The rest will be offered jobs as vacancies arise.

Being on a panel does not in itself guarantee you a job offer. It should be possible to check the movement on a panel i.e. how many in places above you have already been called.

Don’t be too discouraged if movement on the panel seems slow. Placements can sometimes be offered in batches.