Casual work in PS pension Question


Registered User
I have done a small amount of casual work for the public sector for a number of years. Until recently I was treated as a contractor, issued a self bill invoice, with VAT and withholding tax.

This year the time involved has increased considerably, and they have started sending me payslips. PAYE PRSI USC all deducted.

Now I am very happy with this new arrangement, the rate per hour has actually gone up !

I have no contract, although at present I am doing an agreed number of hours a week, this could be changed or cancelled at any time.

There is also a deduction shown on the payslip labelled Single Pens. Sch 2. Can anyone tell me what this means, what if anything does it entitle me to. Although the amount is just €20 a week, that will mount up if the situation evolves as I hope.