Castleland Park Balbriggan good or bad area?

I'm also from the area, and while I'm not extremely familiar with Castlelands, I'm going to give you a few comments on property in Balbriggan....

Foreign Nationals
Yes, there are foreign nationals living in the town. Why should that be a problem? As property prices haven't been inflated as much in Balbriggan as other areas in North Dublin, the market has been affordable for first time buyers and those who would typically struggle to get a mortgage. I think that you will find that many of the foreign nationals own their own homes and don't rent at all. For example, and I live in the area - on my row of houses alone (there are 6), 3 of the houses are owned by foreign nationals.

Anti-social Behaviour
As with all parts of Ireland, there is always going to be an element of anti-social behaviour. The issue is what the gardai are doing about it. In the past I have had problems in my own estate with anti-social behaviour but with the help of the local Gardai, Council and the PRTB (for rented houses), it has all calmed down thanks be to goodness!

How well an estate develops in my experience is more down to the people who live there and their willingness to create a residents association, neighbourhood watch etc and work together. So for example if the kids are climbing on balconies, someone tells them to stop - has a word with their parents or whatever.

It's extremely difficult to say what way an estate will be like when it's not even constructed. From what I know, Castlelands is one of the better designed new developments - Moylaragh & Brega for example (and no offence to those who live there) were in my opinion very poorly designed and the houses are too close to the main roads in the area, with little secure open space for children and too far away from the main public transport routes. Castlelands on the other hand is perfect if you are a commuter as you miss the town bottleneck and it's still close enough to walk into town for the train or shopping.

5 years ago when I decided to move to the area, I knew I wanted to live in Balbriggan, just had to decide on an estate. I did a LOAD of research and that didn't involve asking the (biased) estate agent. I viewed the local development plans in Fingal County Council, I asked around other estate agents for their opinions on the estate, I drove up at different times of the day and night. I met with others who had lived in the area for years, and even just a few months to see how it was working for them. Do more research and you can't go wrong.
I really don't want to get into this again but i feel i need to put in a request for people to actuall READ what is being written. Nowhere in the post was anybody blaming ALL foreign nationals for anti social behaviour. Have another read and see if you can pick it up correctly. Im not bothered with this thread anymore as it seems people just want to take offence from posts rather than actually read them.
thank you for your reply moart. and thanks for your advice sammie. i am continuing to do research on the area, i just want to make sure that the area i am moving to will not cause me problems in the future as the are i am in now, has.
thanks again for your help
I think the main point is that is some estates there are a large number of people who haven't "invested" the same amount in the estate being mainly social housing, affordable housing (to a lesser extend) and, in my opinion the main problem, renters.

Anyone who has rented knows that people renting couldnt really care about the place. Most landlords dont care as long as they are paid. Estates such as Castleland are attractive to landlords as they are *relatively* cheap, and can be rented out. So in effect your 10% social housing can quickly become 30-40% of people with less buy in.

Hi Nicred.

I have been living in the immediate area you are asking about for the last 2 years. I think the fact that there might be anti-social behaviour is a given anywhere. But I am happy to say it is a quiet and peaceful area :)
I love it.
The only noise is the ongoing development, which should calm down in the next year. The kids running around are friendly when you get chatting to them.

It is very handy for walking into the town to the shops / train station, and great if you are driving to the M1 in the mornings.

And an added bonus is the nice walks nearby, and some magnificent sunsets.

Hope I have put your mind at rest.
thanks for that, splash,
i take it that you live in castleland court. im glad to get someones opinion that actually lives you know anything about future plans for the imeadiate area? i know there is supposed to be a school built in the next year or so, have you heard anything about this? have you ever heard anything about this area having a bad reputation, since you have been living there?
thanks for your help
It is estimated that the new port at bremore will create approx 3000 jobs, then there's the indirect jobs as result of that.. BB is expected to be a 'high' growth area in the next decade..
I'm looking for information on Castleland Court, Balbriggan as I'm thinking of buying there. Is there much difference in Castleland Court and Castleland Park? Any informed opinion would be welcome.
I have never heard of the the area having a 'bad reputation' as such.
I know someone hopped over my gate during the day and had a look around, as stuff was knocked over.
As more people move into the houses and apartments it is getting busier. I did notice a number of people 'hanging out' outside the block of apartments in Castleland Court last night, but there was no trouble apparent. I am not worried.

Anyone I have spoken to, have commended the design and quality of the houses, and the open space.

Two houses were broken into, that I heard of in the last year. But where hasn't this happened before?

The first block of apartments as you come up the road to your left has had windows smashed which doesn't look good. But they are being repaired at the minute by the builder. They are very close to the road and were vacant for 6 months and so were probably considered fair game for a bit of stone throwing.
Don't know how I missed that comment! Triplex can you please clarify where you got those figures from? Please tell me it's not a direct quote from a certain senator's website........
do you both mean to tell me that politicians don't speak the truth? the whole truth?! :p

see page 7, foot note 8...

[broken link removed]
Most definitly GOOD! I live in Castleland Park View and I could not be happier. The area is fantastic. Myself and my husband searched the area for a year and we held off to get one of these houses. The reason being that this side of the town is not as built up as other areas. I also think that these houses are far better constructed than any in the area. If u look around the town alot of houses are being thrown up - these are traditionally built and since living here I have had no problems. Another thing I liked is that unlike alot of estates these houses are not painted but have pebble dashing on the front so in years to come when other estates look shabby from lack of maintanence -castleland park view will look well.
As for the area, there are plenty of amenities and I find my neighbours very friendly.
heya nicred

just wondering if you brought your house in castleland park. i live down in castleland court in a 3 bed house and the area is quiet. im from balbriggan so it is defo the better end of the town. no houses in castleland court went for affordable coz he had the planning permission for that estate before the new legislation came in for 10% of the houses built must go to affordable. there prob will be affordable in castleland park though but the area will still be nice and quiet id imagine.

it is hard to get wade to finish off the estates in castlelnad court we didnt get the road in till jan 08 and trees planted. we do plan on doing a 50euro a house collection to put more trees and scrubs around to make the estate look better. i think give it 3 to 4 years and it will be nice.

there is a gaelscoile been built up at castleland park and a shopping area i believe. it will be handy.

i would be interested to see what you think 8 months later. i do think the areas will be good and nice it just takes time and afford from the residents in the estate