Case From High to Circuit Court


Registered User
AS on previous thread.

Wife's case is for directions in the high court on Monday the other side is saying that her injuries are not serious enough for the high court and should be heard in the circuit court.

My wife agrees, her standard of living is not reduced except for a bit of pins and needles in her arm at times, she had this a few years ago as well that resolved after physio and a few other things, there is no loss of earnings or potential earnings

she suffered whiplash and was in pain but its now resolved, but for the negligence of the defendant she would not have suffered such injuries

The solicitor wants her to keep it in the high court, she wanted to speak to the barrister and the solicitor said no, she asked for his name and reluctantly he gave it so she looked him up on the bar website, turn out he specialises in the circuit and is a general practise and not a personal injuries barrister, i know they do PI as well

We feel that the solicitor knows this is a circuit court case as we feel that its more suited to the circuit court, my wife wants to be honest and fair so she rang the barrister yesterday and told him she's representing herself and that there is no need for him, she going to agree to drop the case to the circuit court and as well she had a medical report and x-ray done that was submitted.

the barrister want happy and told her to talk to the solicitor, so were in the high court on monday, we represented ourselves in the high court before and it turns out that the judge she's before on monday is the same judge we were before last time and i have to say is a very fair judge

There are too much court time taken up with unnecessary claims and in my opinion sometimes the legal professions drag it out,

if she won in the high court say, and was awarded E30k she would be liable to pay the defendants legal costs, the circuit court can award up to E60k for PI