carers grant and allowances query


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Hi guys ive a query about whether my mum inlaw is entitled to get a carers grant.
the situation is that she is originally from england but has been living here for over 40 years. Her husband died about 10 years ago and her father came over to live with her and my fiance. Her father has lived there ever since. He is 93 this year and is wheelchair bound having had terrible trouble with his legs for years. She works as a child carer in a local creche but i think its money into the hand and she wouldnt work a full day, usually only half days. she spends the rest of her day looking after her dad. The house she lives in has a garage attached downstairs and i was sugesting to her thatshe should convert the garage into a room for her dad to use as a bed room, at the moment he climbs up the stairs on all fours twice a day, to come down in the mornings and to go to bed at night (thank god for the toilet down stairs).
The problem with converting the garage is the cost, it can be afforded plain and simple.
What im looking for info/advice on is:
1. Would she be entitled to financial assistance for a carers allowance
2. Are there any grants available for converting the garage into a room for the grandad?

Any help guidance would be great.
Thanks in advance