Career break but not going back!


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I resigned from my job in january due to a poor work relationship but was persuaded by my boss to take a career break instead ( I think she was trying to appease me so that I wouldn't sue for constructive dismissal!) Anyway I took it but am now I am wondering if I can claim my social welfare stamps. I read in a couple of threads here that i may not be 'available for work' which I most defintely am!
Are you genuinely seeking work? If not then you don't qualify for Jobseekers Benefit/Allowance. Are you still in a contractual relationship with your employer? If so then I'm not sure if you qualify. Perhaps best to just contact your local SW office and ask.
It depends on what you agreed to in your "career break". If, like the public service career breaks , you agreed that you would not take up employment in Ireland, then it obviously precludes you from claiming jobseeker's benefits/allowances.
I'm genuinely seeking work but I don't know what the conditions of the career break are as I was given no info. I was working with the VEC but they informed me that I could work in other sections of their department if I wanted to.
You probably need to clarify the terms & conditions of your career break so. What are the benefits to you of remaining on this break?
Hi, a career brake normally means that you cannot work during the 9-5 hours that you would normally do as an employee. I have a friend who was in the civil service but a had a few young children. Childcare was too costly and so she took a career break. She worked at the weekend and evenings after 5pm, paid tax and there was no problem. She has since come back and nothing has ever been said. The Tax office were happy as long as here working didn't interfer with her "standard" working hours and she was paying tax.
If on a career break from the public service, it is part of the T&Cs that you don't work - however this is not monitored at all. I know many people who have left on a career break and took up work. Not sure that you can claim unemployment benefit though.

Also if you are not going back, there doesn't seem to be much point to being on a career break.
Whats the point of a career break that you can't work on. Doesn't make any sense. Thats unpaid leave not a career break.
Have you checked out the details of the career break as offered by your organisation? I've just checked my own employers details (I'm not going to say who they are), but among the reasons for taking a career break is working in an area that will enhance your job skills and as such improves your usefullness to your main employer (IYKWIM), so working is definitely allowed on a career break here.
I'm currently on a career break myself from the public service and i'm working abraod right now. It's my understanding that an individual cannot take up another employment in Ireland while they are on a career break. This does not prevent you from working abroad. People have different reasons for taking a break, for example to start/raise a family, travelling, to go back to college etc. Some will take the career break option to keep their job "open" so if their plans don't work out, they still have a job to come back to.
I must admit that I don't know of anyone who has come back to work after they've taken a career break. I can only speak for myself and say, the longer you are away the more difficult it is to come back.

Best of luck for the future
Thedoc, I'm not planning on taking a career break anytime soon! But I do know two people who came back, so it does happen (though I also know people who didn't come back).

The point to a public service career break is that you can leave for up to five years and still have your job there if you want to come back.

You can pursue certain careers - like becoming a solicitor/barrister, but you can't leave to take up a 'regular' job. I take your point about unpaid leave, but a career break is much longer that that. Can't think of many employers who would let you take unpaid leave for 5 years and still come back.
yeah, point taken about some people coming back.

Buckrodgers, you're lucky where you're working that you can take a career break and work! (in the same country?)
I'm retired now but in my last employment it was possible to take a career break and work somewhere else. one of the drivers lost his licence and took a career break to find other work. turns out he was happier in new job and didn't return but the choice was his.