Car Loan - Return On Half Payment Terms



Having obtained a statement from PTSB on my car loan, I saw I had surpassed the half payment point with a small amount of arrears shown on the statement.
When I wrote to them (NABS Format) to advise that I now wish to return the car on the half payment agreement this was refused by them. It was refused on the grounds that I was in fact in arrears to the amount of 5,000 euros due to my inability to meet the original payment agreement schedule. This confuses me as the statement shows arrears of 200euros which they agree is correct. How can there be two different arrears figures and the 5,000 euros figure has only been quoted to me now for the first time.
Are they correct in the position they have taken of refusing to take the car back? totally confused on this and worried sick as I am totally stressed out and currently being helped by SVP with food vouchers.
Any help or advice offered would be very much appreciated.