Car Crash radio with JOOOOOE Duffy!


Registered User
I'm sitting on a partial day off (it's a Holy Day) and listening on satellite to the bould Joe. Oh my god, that's all I can say!

There's a topic on about some glazier who wasn't the best, and the company "secretary" is on, and caller after caller are being let loose on her. It's endless, heart-rending and I just cannot imagine being in her shoes.

It's reminiscent of the Bobby Robson to the wolves. God, scary!

And now he's just invited the poor secretary back tomorrow! Is radio now as bad as some sort of Sky show? And worse still, Aoenghus McAnnally is having 2 students open their resutls live on air.

I've mildly curious about this one.
Ahhh good old Livewhine... where any crank, crackpot, begrudger or idiot can have their fifteen minutes of fame...

The most appalling programme on television or radio imo...
Ahhh good old Livewhine... where any crank, crackpot, begrudger or idiot can have their fifteen minutes of fame...
Did you actually hear the programme in question? I did. The people who were out of pocket were not cranks as far as I could tell. They had legitimate complaints against the company in question which were not satisfactorily addressed by the company secretary on air and presumably they were at the end of their tether in calling Joe? Fair play to the show for chasing this issue up.
Did you actually hear the programme in question? I did. The people who were out of pocket were not cranks as far as I could tell. They had legitimate complaints against the company in question which were not satisfactorily addressed by the company secretary on air and presumably they were at the end of their tether in calling Joe? Fair play to the show for chasing this issue up.

No thankfully I didn't hear the show in question. I'm sure their case was very laudable and that a very useful purpose was served by broadcasting it to the nation. I am talking in general about a primetime radio programme that seems to have no quality control over its content, nor the quality of the speakers on the show and where the presenter seems to empathise with some of his guests where any sane person would have committed hari kari as a way to get way from them.

It was a general response to the OP who mentioned a specific case but who I think was talking about the show in general.

Next it will be the awards for services to broadcasting that the Adrian Kennedy Phone Show deserves...:rolleyes:
One odd thing about the programme was how far some people were allowed go with their stories - including one caller who told Joe that a representative of the company in question told her to stop annoying him or he "would have her sacred life" in response to which Joe did a qick bit of back pedalling and uttered some disclaimers/apologies. I thought that RTÉ would have learned their lesson after their libelling of Monica Leech a while back and maybe put callers on a time delay to facilitate censoring contentious comments?
Clubman, it was precisely the lack of limitting of guests that caused me to post it. They were saying what they wanted, how they wanted and the gentleman in question (glazier) came across worse than a serial killer. The day before I caught the very end of the show where the mother of a murder victim had called in, and just heard a friend and one other person - they were slamming newspapers and media ON RADIO!

It really does appear that guests can say what they want. All you can hear from the host is "mmmkay, umm" in Mr. Mackey style at best - the Apres match World Cup 2002 skit keeps coming to mind.

One odd thing about the programme was how far some people were allowed go with their stories - including one caller who told Joe that a representative of the company in question told her to stop annoying him or he "would have her sacred life" in response to which Joe did a qick bit of back pedalling and uttered some disclaimers/apologies. I thought that RTÉ would have learned their lesson after their libelling of Monica Leech a while back and maybe put callers on a time delay to facilitate censoring contentious comments?