I was in a minor car accident a few days ago. No one was hurt. The other driver claims I broke the light. However i was stopped waiting for the light, when it came on ,I moved off and he came into the side of me.
My insurance company is denying liability as is his. To complicate matters he is a taxi driver, and his boss was screaming for a claim from the word go, talking about loss of earnings. It's still early days,his ins. co. hasn't officially denied liability yet. but if they do what options do I have? My ins. policy was only third party, fire & theft. I just want my car fixed, but now i'm afraid they are going to make a big deal out this to see if they can get compensation. What should I do?
I was in a minor car accident a few days ago. No one was hurt. The other driver claims I broke the light. However i was stopped waiting for the light, when it came on ,I moved off and he came into the side of me.
My insurance company is denying liability as is his. To complicate matters he is a taxi driver, and his boss was screaming for a claim from the word go, talking about loss of earnings. It's still early days,his ins. co. hasn't officially denied liability yet. but if they do what options do I have? My ins. policy was only third party, fire & theft. I just want my car fixed, but now i'm afraid they are going to make a big deal out this to see if they can get compensation. What should I do?