Capital gains for non doms


Registered User
I dont post here much because expats are banned from the forum, but under Irish law, how are capital gains in funds owned by non domiciled persons in Ireland if the money is not remitted to Ireland?
Most funds won’t qualify for remittance taxation. You need to construct a portfolio specifically to fall under general tax principles
Most funds won’t qualify for remittance taxation. You need to construct a portfolio specifically to fall under general tax principles
Thanks. That is very helpful. I dont quite understand though. Income is ok but not capital gains? So youd be aiming for stocks/ETFs that have high pay out ratios?
because expats are banned from the forum

Many non Irish IPs are blocked from viewing this site.

I really wish you would not post such rubbish on askaboutmoney.

Those two statements mean different things.

Countries and IP addresses which are the sources of recurring spam are banned. That is why people see so little spam on askaboutmoney.

I really wish you would not post such rubbish on askaboutmoney.

Those two statements mean different things.

Countries and IP addresses which are the sources of recurring spam are banned. That is why people see so little spam on askaboutmoney.

Some of the banned countries are developed countries. Some people with Irish IPs have been banned for spam until they personally appealed. I am sure it is a stressful work and I appreciate the good work you do, but I am just flagging the issue and why the site gets less traffic than others and I cant use the forum much.
You did, it's literally the first thing you said in your opening post.

You still managed to post it.
Yeah because I am in Ireland now. There is a difference between saying x is red and categorically x is red Mr Freeze, (the other poster put an emphasis on my statement that wasnt there). Yes my statement was a generalisation, it is not true in every case but it was true in my case for several countries.

Anyway, does anyone know how if high yield ETFs are a reasonable efficient approach for non doms who are tax resident in Ireland? Thanks
You literally said

I can't understand why you said that and are now trying to deny that you said it. o_O
Some people cant take constructive criticism I guess. Also you are using the word literally incorrectly. Sorry for taking this off topic.
Sorry, but it was written down in black and white not some shade of grey. Just apologise for your error and get back to your original question

This is not Alice in Wonderland where words can mean whatever you want
Never a word of please or thank you from this thankfully small subset of I-know-better users.
Totally agree. I love Ireland but I really notice in when I am here. It definitely has declined. It is so easy to have some manners, but anyway, we are where we are.