Can't connect to itunes store, gmail or msn messenger


Registered User

For the past few weeks I haven't been able to connect to gmail on my laptop (uisng a sitecom wireless router) and just now ive noticed the same is true for the itunes store and msn messenger. On gmail, when i log in the screen goes blan and keeps refreshing itself - ive tried using the different versions of mail address but its not working either. Gmail FAQ was telling me it was a firewall problem so I fiddled around with Norton and even got remote assistance from one of their customer service reps - however he said it was an ISP problem, not Norton, as he switched the firewall off completely and still couldn't access the gmail site.

I'm now thinking this must have something to do with the fact that a few weeks back i switched to a static IP address in the routers admin site so as to enable port forwarding. Would this have anything to do with blocking itunes store, gmail and msn? How would I resolve this and keep my port forwarding (for bit torrent) - do i have to manually create a PF rules for these programmes - but how would I know what port to use??

Any help greatly appreciated as am stuck here!