Can't attend work on account of religion.

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Registered User
I just want to ask a straight question without starting a religious debate!

If a person takes a job which means travelling to different areas on a daily basis as and when required , what is the position if that person refuses to go at certain times because of their religion.

The reason I am asking is that the person has to attend prayers in Dublin at lunchtime every Friday, thus can not do any far calls on that day. The person is attending the prayer service through their own lunch time, so thats not an issue. Its causing friction in the workplace as some of the other staff feel they are getting the short straw. If a call comes in on a Thursday for say, Limerick, Cork or Belfast which will possibly result in whoever deals with it being late back on Friday one person just wont go, even though it could be their turn. Can anyone suggest a solution.

Can he just be told, its your turn, you have to do the call this week, or is it more complicated than that.
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

I dont know anything about employment law etc... but just wondering this - if the person wants to pray at lunchtime every friday - why does the location matter? Can they not pray at lunchtime anywhere?
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

In short they have to be available for the full range of duties so if being on-call at lunch time is part of duties then they have to be available.

There was a case wheere a care attendant refused to get rosary beads for a nurse who was attending to a dying patinet. The attendant said holding the cross was offensive to her religion. The attendant lost the case.
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

Turthseeker, thats a good point and I am not sure. I think they want to go to their house of worship and there is not one everywhere.

The staff are not on call during lunch time, but if they are in Waterford at 12 o'clock then they cant really come back to Dublin to have their lunch and then travel back to Waterford.

Sometimes calls might come in that might involve working away Thursday, staying overnight on Thursday and travelling back Friday afternoon. The person will not do these calls either.

Contract allows for "mobility clause" (not sure if thats what its called)

All people involved are starting to get stressed!
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

My feeling is that religion should fit around ones life, not dictate it. I know plenty of devout catholic who work Sundays and know that because of work they cannot attend mass. If you religion stops you from doing a job, that is your religions, not your bosses, fault.
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

I thought you meant he wasn't availble to answer his phone because he was praying.

I don't expect people to travel back to their base for lunch but I'm presuming they are taking a break.

Your friend needs to spell it out and confirm that the sisuation cannot continue any longer and he will have to do his fair share of calls from now on.

We've had it here as well and they were told where to go and we're in the public service and we never get way with that - the union didn't even back them.
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

I wonder if the specific religious event they attend on a friday in dublin is actually available to them on other days (or in other places)? It might be worth finding out the specifics of why friday lunchtime & dublin are so important - your friend could ascertain if there was an alternative that the employee could attend without compromising his/her faith?

Is it possible the person is using religion as an excuse in this situation?
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

Theres no problem with contract, travel to different locations is included because of the nature of the job involved. Its just the person is a bit closed off against any discussions and claims to be victimised any time a discussion is brought up. Its probably something that has been bubbling away for some time but is now going to come to a head.

I dont know much about religions, but should look into the fact that it might be an excuse.
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

What would the position be if a devout Catholic needed time off to go to Mass on every Holy Day of Obligation (other than Sunday) and during Easter 'Holy' week ?

From here ...

Most of those days are not Public/Bank holidays

* The Epiphany
* The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
* All Saints' Day
* The Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

Presumably their contract sets out hours/days of work etc and presumably they accepted the job based on this description - if they find that other committments (be they religious or otherwise) conflict with this agreement then they shouldn't have accepted the job, and technically I suppose may be in breach of contract.

I'm no expert though...
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

I suppose if you really felt strongly about it you could take them as holiday leave
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

couldn't agree with you less. I'm sure you use the term "devout catholic" loosely. To some people religion is a way of life and a big part of who they are.
If OP's mate can't tow the line they should find a job that allows them to live a lifestyle they want.
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

Im inclined to wonder why the person accepted the job if he/she needs this 'special' treatment because of his religion. Surely at the interview stage had they disclosed that they needed to worship every friday lunchtime in dublin and therefore couldnt travel thursday evenings or fridays they wouldnt have been offered the position? So he/she effectively mis-represented themselves at interview stage and are now not working according to their contract.

Just conjecturing here as we dont know what religion is involved - but I find it very difficult to believe that even if the place of worship is not widely available, that the times of worship and prayers are not flexible - how does anyone else of the religion who doesnt work near the place of worship cope if friday lunchtime is the only option?
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

Davy Jones, you are reading me wrong...its not my mate who has the problem , my friend has to supervise this person and trying to organise staff because of this issue is a nightmare.

A quick search has showed up that (a) Friday is relevant but (b) the exact location is not necessarily.

I think that if the person needs to get a job that suits their life style a bit better
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

I think you'd have to go right back to their contract and hold them to that. They signed that agreeing with its terms. I can't see any other way to approach it. How would someone of the same religion handle other careers, like being a pilot, or a doctor etc. Or indeed any shift work. Perhaps this is something for a HR person to earn their keep and find out.
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

MandaC - Fridays are not relevant.

There is no obligation on an employer/supervisor to accomdate religion at all.

#your frined can just say sorry its not working you wil have to do you fair share of calls form now on.

If the enplyee doesn't like it as yu said they are free to get another job but they shoudl dop the calls until then?

He really is taking the michael.
Re: Cant attend work on account of religion.

I think that if the person needs to get a job that suits their life style a bit better

But maybe the person can only do that type of work and, presumeably is not from a 'mainstream' (in Ireland anyway) religion, has little choice in the way of jobs ?
The person should have brought this up at the interview, but if rejected could possibly have claimed religious discrimination. Maybe thats why religion never came up at that time.

Flexibility from everyone involved is the only approach I'd recommend.
For example, if other colleagues took turns to cover for that person on Thur/Fri, and that person then covered for his/her colleagues at other times ?
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