Cancelled Flights from Dublin 9th July


Registered User
I was planning to fly to Athens with the family yesterday. As we all now know that didn't happen.
I had taken out the Multi-travel insurance with VHI and am wondering if I can claim something back. Aerlingus offered to refund me or I could go on the next available departure on this Sunday....4 days later than I'd planned. I went for the refund!
I have booked flights through London tomorrow to Athens.

Can I claim some sort of compensation from VHI/Aer Lingus i.e. the cost of the alternative flights to Athens as the offer Aer Lingus made was unsuitable?
As I lost a day's earning (I work on contract basis) I'm hoping I can claim this along with the cost of the extra taxi rides to/from the Airport. Anyone got any experience of this?