Can I put PRSI against my overall tax liability?


Registered User
Hi all,

I am filling out a form 11 for 2018 as I earned some income in 2018 from Canadian dividends that I wish to declare. I have to declare all money earned in 2018 as part of my return. I was employed for all of 2018 by an employer (not self employed).

When I fill out my form 11 and get to the calculation page (which is automatically calculated as I am using ROS) a number of credits/reliefs are listed. These include:

- Paid PAYE
- Universal Social Charge deducted under PAYE

And lists the amounts I paid, in total, in 2018 (stopped at source by my employer). These are then taken off the amount of tax I owe as I have already paid this money to revenue.

However, there is no credit for the almost 2,000 euro I paid in PRSI. Should this be there? In other words am I entitled to have this as a credit/reduction on my overall tax bill for 2018 as it has already been paid/stopped at source?

Any advice is very much appreciated!
Covered previously here: