i am going on a holiday to the usa in december. should i buy us dollars now? where can i get the best deal?thanks in anticipation of a reply
Are you taking into account the 1.5%-2.75% FX commission that the credit card provider will build into the rate charged on your bill?the charges are less if you use your credit card
WHere do you get this from, Dan? Don't different banks charge different rates? Wasn't the whole AIB FX scandal about them charging 1% when they declared a rate of 0.5% to ODCA?It still beats the bank rate which charges 3%
Mebbe - but the context of this post was about purchasing cash dollars here in Ireland before travelling. AFAIK, the FX commission rates charged on credit card transactions (1.75% - 2.5%) considerably outweights the commission charged on over-the-counter transactions.In my experience using the credit card pre-loaded with cash has always been the most cost effective way to access funds while outside the € zone