Buying/Selling house



We have recently (as on Monday!) decided to put our own house on the market. We have an idea of what we will get for it as a house a few doors up sold last year but we are currently waiting for an EA to come out to give us a valuation. We have seen a house that is ideal for us and in a fantastic area. This morning I got a phone call from the vendors EA to let us know that a offer of 330 had been placed. We have yet to get our loan approved but our broker adv. us there is no problem and to place an offer if we are serious..The EA secretary let slip to us that the other couple are 1st time buyers with a max. budget of 330k..When the EA rang I asked what the liklihood was of the vendor accepting 330k.He didnt think he would accept that, perhaps 335 but he may hold out for the 340 as they already own a property in Dublin and are not in a hurry to sell. We went ahead and put an offer of 335k on it subject to sale of our house and advised we are willing to place a holding deposit of 2k on it. Should we have held out til we at least had our property on the market or where we right with going ahead and placing the offer??? Any opionions will be really appreciated
From my experience of EAs they rarely let slip anything that is not advantageous to their sale. Think about it you have upped the anti in a falling market
"The EA secretary let slip to us that the other couple are 1st time buyers with a max. budget of 330k"

Cheesy tricks like that make me sick...