buying ipod in NYC


Registered User
I am heading to NYC next week on holidays and was thinking about buying an 30GB ipod over there. Just wondering where is the best place to buy one in NYC.
Hi I bought some electronics in JR's in New York city, its fairly easy to get too, close to Brooklyn Bridge, and the prices seemed fairly competitive. Check out [broken link removed] you can ring ahead and they will reserve anything in stock for you to pick up. I bought two ipods and two digital cameras, the cameras in particular were great value!
Oh cool will def pick up one of them also..

I know Macy's is a big store... would I be able to pick up an ipod there. Has anyone had the experience of buying one here


Macy's wouldn't be the place to buy an iPod. You need an electronics store like the one recommended by cian8 or you could always go directly to the Apple Store in SoHo to buy the iPod and accessories - [broken link removed] . It's worth the visit just to see the store itself (even if you buy your iPod elsewhere) and there's plenty of other shopping in that area too.

Try Best Buy:

Theres one not far from Macys, you can also buy all accessories there.

Make sure you buy the FM transmitter as you cannot buy them here.
Be sure if you go to Macy's that you register as an International customer by going to desk on the balcony with some ID. You get a discount of about 11% (I think) on most items. This applied the last time I was there and assume it still does.
Try Best Buy:

Make sure you buy the FM transmitter as you cannot buy them here.

afaik you can get them in power city now - dont know how legal or illegal it all is
Are ye talking about the fm transmitters that are used in cars to listen to an mp3 player??
And if you are....are they illegal?
I bought one on e bay recently, fantastic idea.
Go to the apple store, great place, even if you don't buy it there I would recomend going in and having a look...I saved around 100 Euro on a 60GB ipod, compared to Irish Prices...there might be a new IPOD in the works, also some price drops as retailers have been put on stand by concerning stocks etc...i.e. don't buy too many of the latest ones as they may be out of date soon...