Other Buying a new car - which ones are more expensive to insure?


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Is there a chart anywhere or does anyone know what cars are more expensive to insure than others? I came across a listing of sorts on a UK car sale site last night.

I have to change my car but want to keep running costs such as insurance as low as possible, I know at one stage I was looking at a Focus and a Civic of similar power etc and asked my insurance company at the time the cost of switching and with a premium at that stage of around 450ish it would have cost 100 more to insure the Civic than the Focus, obviously based on profiling of Civic drivers although I am as far from a boy racer as you could imagine!

While looking at a particular brand of car in UK is showed what insurance bands the different spec cars fell into, now obviously I don't know the cost differential there but it showed them from cheapest to dearest so gives a good indication what not buy if trying to keep costs low.
It can vary between insurers so I would think your best bet would be to ring your company and get an exact quote before purchasing. As a general rule, small CC and newer cars (a number of companies refuse or load vehicles over 10 years old) are cheaper to insurer. Electric cars can be reasonable as well.
I know I can do that but I actually want to change insurers on renewal this year so asking my existing one doesn't help that much if it is going to vary between companies. I know smaller cars are cheaper but obviously some brands have issues such as the Civic as it was same spec etc as Focus but 20% more expensive. I notice a Golf is costlier too than a Focus to insure.

I imagine there are others that carry loadings and also within the brand type the different spec can differ, a list of some sort would just be handy otherwise it would be very unwieldy ringing up lots of companies with lots of different brands to check, with a list I could rule things in or out.
This is very odd but I sit beside a girl in work who was charged more for a red car than any other colour. We all thought it was a joke but saw the quotations!

The only other thing I would say to you is it seems to be good to have more people on policies. I have my mam on mine (if she's moved my car in and out of driveway it's as much) and my boyfriend (who doesn't drive) but dropped it by over €100
I tried that one too and the company I am with want you to be living with the person and I don't live with anyone :)