Buyer bolts at 11th hour- salvage costs?


Registered User
Some advice needed on the following saga. The purchaser of my house pulled out of the sale after the contracts were sent to their solicitor yesterday. I am also in the processing of buying a house which is now jeopardised as I probably won't be able to find a buyer in such a slow market. My question is what do I owe my solicitor? Do I have to pay the full amount even though neither sale is complete? Many thanks.
My question is what do I owe my solicitor?

You need to ask them. They have taken up deeds and prepared and issued contracts so they are due some money. It will probably be fairly nominal.

This happen us last year. We had contracts signed for the house we were hoping to buy and also contracts signed (but not exchanged) for our house. The sale fell through on the house we were buying at the very last minute. Our solicitor charged us nothing, not one single penny! We are now in the middle of buying and selling again and using the same solicitor. He told us he knew we'd be back because he could see we wanted to move on. Maybe this is why he charged nothing the last time round. I hope you are as lucky as us.