Business names

Thanks for reply, that's what I believed as well. Have a situation were a former member of a club I am a member of took upon themselves to register as a business name our club activities and is now threatened the club with legal action. He has in fact registered several aspects of the club.
The fact that he registered the business name(s) isn't in itself any particular benefit to him. Trademark and business name disputes can be very complicated and messy, but the Companies Office, who administer business names registrations, clearly state that registration doesn't entail or confirm any ownership rights on the name being used.

Good luck with it anyhow.
Had he anything to do with the names? Bad show if he didn't, understandable if he did. What legal action did he threaten?
He was one of the founders of the club but has managed to fall out with everybody else in the club and was also trying to make money from the club,against the rules that was laid down. Demanded we stop using our club competitions as he claims to have registered it as a business name along with our club names and other club activities. He did this because he was thrown out by a vote of the club and it's just him continuing to want to cause trouble. At the moment he is also holding our Web site name but a lawyer we consulted has said he cannot stop the club using it and that we could take a case against him for cyber squatting.
Your post isn't clear. If he had something to do with the name(s), i.e. if he came up with it/them then he may have some claim to them. A club has no more legal position than a private citizen.
Without knowing the full details, but as 'time being of the essence', surely the original name been in situ before he took um bridge and registered the name thereafter, will have a bigger part to play in this saga.
He did all his registering after the club was formed. He is just mostly a nuisance but instead of leaving the pitch so to speak he pops up with nonsense. Genuinely feel there is some mental issues here because of the fact he started as everyone's friend but managed to fall out with everybody else. We got some legal advice and have taken steps to ensure that all of this is covered.