building a lean to in a laneway


Registered User
i want to store logs etc in the laneway of my house.its outside my kitchen window.theres a path then a fence any ideas on how to do it or does anyone know of a company that could do it.
You could extend the existing fence posts upwards or insert new posts to bring your wallplate level to the height you need, say 2.5 metres.
Use 4x2" timber to form a wall plate and use same bolted to house as a ridge.
Form rafters, again using 4x2" at 400 or 600mm centres.
Get your roof material, I would recommend clear acrylic or polypropelene (same as conservatory roof except 1 or 2 skin, not 3) for your roof as relatively unbreakable but allowing natural light into store.
A length of gutter to control rain runoff and fit a side gate.
Use pressure treated timber throughout.
Depending on where you are you should have no problems getting this work done or handy for a good DIYer with tools
we built an "indoor garden" to utilise the space between a retaining wall and the back of the house. We used polypropylene sheets from B&Q.

from what i can remember they have two different lengths.

they also sell a corrugated clear plastic sheet.

i have no connection to B&Q.:)