BTEA Question



Hey everyone. First post here. I have a question about the BTEA if you don't mind.

I've been on Jobseekers Allowance since the beginning of January this year and I was just accepted as a mature student for a degree course starting this September. I actually applied last year but had to defer. The only way I'll be able to attend is if I were to get the BTEA but after looking it up I've worked out that I'm going to be around 16 or 17 days short of the required 234. I've heard of people going to their TDs about this but I'm not sure what exactly they could do.

I see on the citizens information site the following:

"A late application will be accepted if there is a good reason for it being late and it is received by the relevant section in the Department within 30 days of the course starting."
Those 30 days could give me the few I need to be eligible, but what kind of reasons would they accept? Has anyone ever heard of this working?

I normally wouldn't ask such questions but I'm utterly desperate, I've been unemployed for over 2 years, bar some Christmas work last year, and my situation's not going to change. I can't defer my place again and I'm quite sure I won't be accepted next year so it's now or never.

Anyway sorry for the long post and thanks in advance.