Broadband in Ballyfermot


Registered User
Hi All! Anyone know when Broadband will be available in Ballyfermot from NTL?? I found it strange them saying its not available but the tv service is!
did you ring NTL and ask them?

Broadband is a different service then TV requiring different infrastructure, not just as easy as flicking a switch and sending a BB signal down the line.
Still waiting on them to ring me back about it! Can't even get a phone line in to get DSL as they are working on a new exchange!!
have you considered one of the mobile offerings?

Friend of mine lives in ballyfermot and got a 3 card last week and has reported good speeds with it but any of the mobile operators should have cards.
NTL/UPC now offering Broadband in the Ballyfermot area 15mb,,, much better than eircomes 7mb I have to say. Got my home phone, tv and internet with them, no complaints.