Booking Deposit



Hi, I put a booking deposit on a house a month ago and am just about to sign the contracts tomorrow.
The house price has risen by €5,000 in that time, believe it or not.
Do I still get it for the original price? It's written on the reciept.
They can't just hike it up on me can they?
No, they can`t. I assume its a new house bought off plans.
How do you know it`s risen by 5k?
Call the agent handling the sale and tell them you have no notion of paying the increased price. Is it a house in a new development? Check with your solicitor on what price is stated on the contracts.
Well the auctioneer has increased the price, even though it's off the plans.
I bought it before it was even advertised. And it's now advertised at the dearer price.

Yeah, I'll have to check with the solicitor I suppose. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.
I know this is silly, but will the price be written on the contracts, I really don't know what to expect!
The price should be documented on the contracts, as should a closing date etc....