BOI refused car finance

I've been wondering that too. Spending all this money on clothes, but only goes to work and SuperValu. Are these places worth dressing up for?
I was wondering too if your husband could take out the car loan and you repay him €1000 a month?

Thanks, This is such a good way of thinking about things, I’ve never really thought about it like that. I live payslip to payslip but yes I must revise the figures this week and make sure I’m saving enough. I want to have some money leftover for school items and myself. I have to give notice to withdraw money so don’t want to be left short either.

I was wondering too if your husband could take out the car loan and you repay him €1000 a month?
I don’t think it’s a good idea to repay husband, I’d likely fall into bad habits. Plus we have no guarantee he’d get finance either from bank or pcp.