Bishop Of Kerry speaks out

Re: My point...

Surely this is not some sort of college debating society where every contribution has to be adversarial for the sake of it??!!!

I knew this felt very familiar!!!!!!!

Re: My point...

Classic post above daltonr but, like poor old Mad Mel, you're perilously close to being accused of anti-semitic tendancies by hinting at certain Judaic stereotypes with that reference to cheap Hanukkah gift wrapping paper! :lol

eusebius - apologies for presuming that your contribution had something to do with the discussion so far.
Re: My point...

I'm a little concerned that you seem to think that the biggest loss to an Atheist is that they don't get to tell their kids about Santa Claus.

Actually you'll find that I never said or implied that the biggest loss to an atheist is that they they don't tell their kids about Santa Claus.
I just mentioned it as I think its just one of the benefits of being a Christian I think an atheist kid misses out on.

I have no problem with Atheists celebrating religious festivals. Party on. We all celebrate Christmas better than the Americans anyway, where at 9pm on Christmas Day, the streets are littered with Christmas trees that have been disgarded already.

An Atheist referring to December 26th as December 26th instead of St. Stephen's day is better than calling it Boxing day anyway!

As far as a preoccupation with atheists - One discussion thread does not a preoccupation make. My only bone is with Atheists and non practicing Catholics using Churches for their weddings and forcing practicing Catholics to wait exuberant lengths of time for their weddings.
Re: My point...

exhorbitant -> exorbitant

yes, as Father Jack would say

"That would be an ecumenical matter"
Major rise in Muslims, Orthodox Christians

[broken link removed]
Re: 0

anti-semitic tendancies by hinting at certain Judaic stereotypes with that reference to cheap Hanukkah gift wrapping paper!

Of course the paper wouldn't be cheap for the Jewish People, they'd have to buy Hanukah paper BEFORE Hanukah so they'd be paying full whack.

Re: sniping

if you have no constructive comment to make in relation to my post, why do you persist in sniping at it?

I thought that my first comment was constructive. :\

...insofar as you sought to contradict something which I didn't even allege in the first instance...
Re: My point...

I presume you meant exorbitant otherwise I don't see what the problem is. At least myself and yourself (sort of) agree on this issue. I'm still not convinced about the theological basis for Santy but let's invoke ecumenism and forget about our differences? Amen.
Re: sniping

Oh stop sniping...
Re: sniping

If that Bishop had kept his mouth shut we wouldn't have all this sniping.

eusebius, forgive 0, He's a cantankerous old fart.
And after all it's the christian thing to do.

If it's any consolation he'll be burning in Hell soon.

Re: sniping

For Christians and Atheists alike...

Why did Popeye beat up This post will be deleted if not edited immediately?

Because This post will be deleted if not edited immediately went to Mount Olive.
Re: sniping

If it's any consolation he'll be burning in Hell soon.

Wasn't it Jean Paul Sartre who said "hell is other people"? He must be an AAM regular!
Re: sniping

Has anyone seen the Gary Larson cartoon: Scientist Hell.

It's a scientist being led into a room where he will spend eternity. It's full of Numerologists, Astrologists, Psychics, etc, etc.


Re: sniping

I always liked that other joke about the mechanic, the physicist and the mathematician stranded and starving on a desert island with only some tins of beans to eat but no tin opener. The first two explain in detail their plans for opening the tin using their own particular skills and expertise. When it comes to the mathematician's turn he begins "Assume the tin is open. Now...".
Definition of a Practising Catholic

Sorry in advance for re-opening this can of worms but I mentioned this to my mam over the weekend and according to her to be considered a practising Catholic, you had to

a) obey the Ten Commandments, AND;

b) obey the Precepts of the Church (any errors here are more likely due to my slow shorthand as my mam could rattle this off in one breath!)

1. To hear Mass on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation;
2. To fast and abstain on the days appointed;
3. To confess sins at least once a year;
4. To receive worthily (i.e. in a state of grace) the Blessed Eucharist at Eastertime or within the time appoitned (i.e. Between Ash Weds and Trinity Sunday);
5. To contribute to the support of pastors;
6. To observe the marriage laws of the Church.

She doesn't think that these precepts were abolished or amended by Vatican II and the only reason we don't hear them is because the Church has decided not to labour these particular points; like the vow of poverty, I suppose.

You can't say I don't do me homework, miss!!
Re: Definition of a Practising Catholic

Thanks for that, it's very interesting.
OK, that's what you have to DO.

But does she know what you have to BELIEVE?

i.e. Can I be a catholic if I don't believe that communion is flesh. For example.

What else MUST I believe if I want to be a catholic?

I always thought that one difference between Catholics and Protestants was the Protestants didn't believe in the Immaculate Conception, but I recently heard I might be wrong on this, does anyone know?

Bottom line, what's the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant, and am I right in my theory that most Irish Catholics are really protestants.

Re: Definition of a Practising Catholic

This article might be of interest in relation to the Catholic versus Protestant question:

[broken link removed]

Protestants do not believe that Mary is witout sin. The only person they believe is without sin is This post will be deleted if not edited immediately. So, the immaculate conception theory is one that is not taken seriously by Protestants, but one which must be believed by Catholics.

Marion :hat