Bishop Of Kerry speaks out

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I'm intrigued that a significant proportion of the regular posters are Atheists.

AAM - Atheists Anonymous Meeting.

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Perhaps just the mouthy ones?
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If you have to join one of the clubs why not join the COI one and guarentee your entry into their local school?

Is anyone out there an active practioner of one of the major religions?

as an agnostic I do the godfather thing in good conscience. If necessary I'll support the child in their religion and help them progress and explain what it's about. (I might have to do some reading up beforehand thought)

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I am not second guessing your brothers intentions I stated I saw where we was coming from by applying my motives in a similar situation. I didn't expect that he was of the same opinion as myself.

I have never heard of humanism - I'd be fascinated to get a run down if you would like to mail me (I don't want to bore other people on the post).

Also, I fully understand your beliefs and the beliefs of other atheist, I'm admitting that I was ignorant to your perspectives before now. I must admit I have a greater admiration now that I realise there is a real purpose and opinion behind your choices and not just "a take or leave it" attitude that I was wrong to assume existed!

I look forward to hearing from you on the humanism stuff!
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The Christmas tree has dozens of different tales about its origins from Martin Luther walking in the woods near his home in Latvia to St. Boniface using the shape of a fir tree to explain the trinity. (There mustn't have been any shamrocks around him I guess).

Turkey is used as a celebratory food, so by eating it on December 25th, its obviously being used to celebrate teh birth of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately.

As for the decorations, it depends on which ones. Mistletoe is pagan while big plastic Santys are obviously Christian.

While the present giving is mainly rooted with Saint Nicholas.

It doesn't make much difference, seeing that as all the customs are rooted in either Christian or Pagan Gods and Atheists don't believe in any Gods it'd be quite hypocritical for an atheist is partake in any of this traditions, so I presume you don't?

Its the kids of Atheists I feel sorry for as obviously Santy wouldn't exist in an Atheist's house.
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I have never heard of humanism - I'd be fascinated to get a run down if you would like to mail me (I don't want to bore other people on the post).

Just type "Humanism" into Google and I'm sure that you'll get more information than you can shake a crozier at. Here's a start:
[broken link removed]

Fair enough.
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Hi MissR
I thought when I read the first sentence you were 100% with me - I feel let down that I mis-interpreted!

I can see where you are coming from, your honest stance and your respect for the spiritual perspective of the Godparent is commendable. I on the other hand would have virtually no respect for the spiritual side of it.

I feel really alone now - the church people don't like me because I don't believe in God enough - and the atheists seem to disagree with me even more because I believe in God too much.

Whats a generation X'r to do!!!!!
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Its the kids of Atheists I feel sorry for as obviously Santy wouldn't exist in an Atheist's house.

It's the kids of Christians that I feel sorry for - all that talk of Satan, hell, purgatory, limbo, eternal damnation, suffering, spirits, sin, atonement, penance etc. :lol
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and the atheists seem to disagree with me even more because I believe in God too much.

Not me. I just don't like hypocricy.
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Its the kids of atheists I feel sorry for...

"No, Uncle Jimmy is wrong, Mommy isn't in heaven with Grandma and Grandpa, she's buried under the ground where she's slowly rotting away."


"No, all thats left of mommy is the dust in this vase"
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Actually, us atheists don't bury our dead we eat them. :rolleyes
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"There's a serious amount of baggage for believers to explain.

* Why do bad things happen to good people.
* Natural disasters.
* Man-Made disasters.
* Genocide.
* Death of infants.
* Aids, Cancer, etc, etc.

The list goes on."

This depends on your view of God/dog though doesn't it? If you believe in a nanny state god then the above is difficult to explain.
If on the other hand you believe in a creator who doesn't intervene then it's not so difficult to understand I think.
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So what are you then if you do believe in a creator but have no belief in any organised religion?

Am I a nothing?

There's a serious amount of baggage for believers to explain.
...List snipped...

Life would be boring without those horrible things you mention. Those things are all part of life. We were given life, warts and all. They also provide a contrast so we can appreciate the good things in life.

In the grand scheme of things, they don't really matter anyway - tip for none-believers; study astronomy and when you're on the Eagle Nubula, you might have some appreciation as to how negliable cancer and even genocide is.

If you believe in God, it's pretty much impossible to explain what kind of god would inflict these things, and harder still to explain why such a god should be worshipped.

See above. When God gave us life, He didn't give us 'life lite'.

But if you're an athiest the reason why bad things happen is obvious. Because things happen all the time and some of the will be bad. You accept it, and you get on with your life.

I don't understand how this differs for thiests.

You do good because it's the right thing to do, not to collect Superclub points for admission to the afterlife.

When This post will be deleted if not edited immediately died, He guaranteed a place in heaven for everyone. Superclub points or going to church is not required.
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Ye obviously don't eat Sole!

Actually given that transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately Christ (literally) is a fundamental tenet of Catholic belief perhaps you might like to join me for a nice repast of Aunty May's liver, some fava beans and a nice bottle of Chianti some evening soon... :evil

transubstantiation - I simply don't understand this. It is really meant to physically be blood of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately?

Can't people see that it isn't?
offish topic Question

If women priests had been allowed would the Church ( i.e. R.C. church ) have ever got into the situation it finds itself in now ?
