Beware of your local pool


Registered User
This truly scary story from Russia. All I can think is, what an awful way to go, and that if it was in the UK there'd be non-stop Sky coverage looking for the kid and then.....

Body Found in Pool Pump

Workers at a water park in Kazan have found the body of a 14-year-old boy in a swimming pool pump chamber, three weeks after he went missing, Kommersant reported Monday.
Staff at the water park checked the pump Saturday evening because it had been spewing out water and not working as normal, Kommersant reported. Inside the pump chamber, workers found the body of Sergei Matveyev.
Prosecutors believe Matveyev may have been sucked through a faulty grille into the chamber while diving underwater when he and his family visited the park July 2, Kommersant said.
An extensive search failed to find Matveyev, and until the body was discovered, police believed he had been kidnapped. (AP
Yes - obviously people should stop going to their local pool because of this incident. :rolleyes:
Yes - obviously people should stop going to their local pool because of this incident. :rolleyes:

I was going to hide in my bed with all the bad news going on... .then a I read the story "man dies in sleep"... now what do I do?
There was a man once upon a time who told his neighbour that he was going off to join the army.
" Are you insane, weren't your two uncles in the army, and look what happened to them?", the neighbour wanted to know
" They got killed " was the answer.
"If I were you I'd stay well away. You should take a lesson from that, your relations hadn't much luck.", the neighbour advised.
The other fellow considered this.
" Where did your relations die"? he asked
Neighbour said " They all died in their own beds"
" Well if I were you ", replied the prospective soldier, " I'd never go to bed"
There's no problem - that's not my local pool (cf Tommy Cooper thread).

Yes - obviously people should stop going to their local pool because of this incident. :rolleyes:
Do you mean people in general aroun the world or just the locals of that particular pool in Russia?
If the people stopped goint to that pool in Russia and went to another the chances of them dying would be greater than continuing to go to their local.

It's sort of like the 'Bernard Matthews' thing. When people heard a bout that brand of meat having bird flu in it, they stopped buying it, even after it had been cleaned out. (foolishly:rolleyes:) They didn't realise that it would actually be safer to buy that than the tesco meats simply because the FSA of britain were keeping a close eye on things.
So my point - going to that pool in Russia is probably the safest pol to go to now because people are not being ignorant anymore regarding safety equipment.
Reminds me of that terrible old joke about the guy who heard most accidents happen in the home ... so he moved
.. or the man who read so many terrible things about the effects of alcohol that he stopped reading...
