Best Value Coal In Cork City And Surrounds?

So you need a ban to change your behaviour? Interesting outlook you have there.

When they brought in the (cigarette) smoking ban in the work place, I stopped smoking in pubs and smoked outside the door.

When the speed limit was reduced from 70mph to 100kph, I lowered my driving speed.

Interesting? Ah.... I’ll let you decide.
Thanks for the replies, got my house coal in the City. Don’t bother to PM me to find out where.

I’ve learned three things from this thread:

* There’s a ban on house coal in Cork City

* Some people still see speed limits as a target rather than a maximum speed, ie limit

* This forum has a serious issue with smug.
Far more than Cork City has an issue with smog.
Thanks for the replies, got my house coal in the City. Don’t bother to PM me to find out where.

I’ve learned three things from this thread:

* There’s a ban on house coal in Cork City

So you acknowledge you are breaking the law but you have the cheek to see others as smug?
As a user of smokeless coal since ~1990, I find these comments about how useless it is amusing.

Its different, doesnt give much of a flame, but when glowing red hot in my stove , there is much more heat output than wood, turf, and doesnt need constant refuelling.

I have three other words...

* luddite
* neanderthal
* ignorant