best place to get a car VW DVD installed?

cerberus, try an auto electrician. There are plenty in the Golden Pages.
You could also try one of the 'specialist' shops that fit car stereos etc. Some of these guys advertise in the Auto Trader.
I've used In-Car-Tech in Bray

Unit 1 Egan Ctr Dargle rd, Bray
(01) 2869773

Take the 2nd Bray Exit off the N11 heading south, and it's in the retail park on your left hand side after about 100 metres. There's a bunch of furniture stores in the retail park - In-Car-Tech is at the very end on the right. I found them good value and the kit they installed has been trouble free for the past 3 years. Of course, your mileage may vary . . .

- James

I went to them with a problem on my stereo, they tried to fix it and said it was not working anymore. They then proceeded to sell me another stereo which i reluctantly agreed to buy. He put it in and it didn't work so i asked him to put in the old one again. He charged me €20 for fixing nothing and asked me to call back the following week and have another go. As i was leaving the shop i turned on my CD player and it worked so:

1. They didn't know what they were doing
2. They charged me for not knowing what they were doing
3. They don't know they fixed it

If your going there be sure to wear your cowboy hat.