Best Fixed Rate for first-time buyer ?



Myself and my girlfriend are in the process of buying a house for 250k. We are both first time buyers and are looking for a 100% mortgage (combined salary of about 65k). We are fairly sure we want to fix for two years to help with budgeting etc. What is the best value 2-year fixed rate that we could get at the moment ?
Is this a wise option in the current interest rate climate, would other users suggest going with a tracker rate ?

The rates in the Best Buys forum are not up to date.

The listings in the Property Supplement in Thursday's Irish Times are as comprehensive a listing as is available. and have a good selection of rates, but not all rates.

We are fairly sure we want to fix for two years to help with budgeting etc. What is the best value 2-year fixed rate that we could get at the moment ?
Is this a wise option in the current interest rate climate, would other users suggest going with a tracker rate ?

Are you not contradicting yourself?

Either way, there are many, many threads on 'should I fix', if you use the search facility you are bound to find something. Here's the most recent.
Bank of Ireland/ICS/Ulster Bank are the best initial rate €1265pm for a 2 year fixed deal. Really not a huge difference €8 - €13 per month for the next three most competitive. Price may not be the only deciding factor, worth having a look at the possibility of payment breaks, interest only or lump sum payments.