The blue Amex is a good idea but only if you can use it in all the places where you would normally use a CC, not always the case!
Having a CC issued from another country would be a
definite nono (and that's if you could get one, not being resident in that country).
If it's a UK card, you will be hit with enormous exchange rate charges which would wipe out the 40 Euro saving within months. When you bought something with it in Ireland, they would convert it into Sterling and issue you a bill in Sterling.
You would then have to buy a draft, etc from the Bank to pay
them every month. Not a good idea.
Unlikely you could get one from another EURO country as you would run into problems with credit checks, getting the bills posted over every month, paying the bill with a EURO Cheque issued in Ireland (length of time to clear) etc.
Pigsback is good for those who are familiar with and use with the PiggyPoints system.
The best one of the lot (at the moment) is TESCO VISA Card.
They are waiving the 40 Euro fee for the first 10,000 people that sign up. Probably find they will waive it for everybody that signs up but they won't tell you that in the information leaflet. They will only pay the first year's fee but you could find next year somebody else is doing it and you could move CC again.
Every time you use it you get Tesco points, 1 for every cent spend in Tesco and 1 for every 2 cent spend everywhere else.
I use it for everything, car insurance, holidays, shopping, petrol (points are finishing at the end of this month), restaurants. In fact I use it everywhere I can use a CC instead of cash or a cheque.
A CC is also great for monthly direct debits like ESB, EIRCOM etc. You only need one cheque to pay off your whole bill with NO bank charges! Much easier then having current account fees for Direct Debits.