Best credit card for car fuel


Registered User
Hi folks, I moved to the Republic from the North in November and have now been working here for 6 months so should hopefully be eligible to get accepted for a credit card application.

I am looking for a credit card that I will use to pay for fuelling my car. I intend to pay off the balance in full each month so interest rates isn't really an issue. I don't know what the minimum limit is for a credit card but I'd only be looking for something in the €500-1000 range.

This would allow me to build up a bit of a footprint in terms of credit rating/history here in the Republic which could be important as I'll be thinking about a mortgage in the next 12-18 months. Can anyone recommend a suitable credit card for the type of spending I intend to do?
I don't think it is important or necessary to build up a credit rating. Just have your savings and be in secure employment.
So my application got turned down by Avant. This is the 2nd time I've been rejected for a credit card application. When I first moved to Ireland I was rejected by KBC on the grounds that I hadn't been working here for at least 6 months, and now Avant have turned me down despite the fact that I've been here for 7 months now. So I think I'll just have to do without a credit card for the foreseeable future. Perhaps I need to be living and working here for at least a year before I'd get accepted for a credit card.